the differences between coaching boys and girls

Title IX was passed in 1972, close to 50 years ago. And it totally changed the landscape for all athletes in a wonderful and positive way. Several generations of young athletes have grown up since that law was passed, and all of them fully accept total equality between the sexes.

But what’s curious is there have been lingering questions over the years as to whether boys and girls really need or ought to be coached in different ways according to their gender. In this podcast, I go through a recap summary of two highly successful college soccer coaches on this very issue: Anson Dorrance, the legendary UNC women’s soccer coach, has won an astounding 21 NCAA championships over the years. But before he only coached the women, he also coached the men’s team at UNC. In 1987, he was named as the NCAA Men's Soccer Coach of the Year. I also present the coaching insights from former BC women’s soccer coach, Alison Foley, who also led a most successful program.

Their observations on coaching men and women are not only fascinating, but may seem to be a bit jarring. In short, as far as both of these two top coaches are concerned, not only are there significant differences when it comes to coaching men and women, the simple truth is that if you don’t take the time to pay attention to these differences, you will most likely run into some real communication and motivational issues. You won’t be able to connect with your players.

The point is, if you’re a sports parent, or if you’re a youth, HS, or travel team coach, you need to pay real attention to the way in which you interact with your players. Whether it’s a simple act of singling out a girl to praise her in front of the team, or knowing how to speak effectively with your players, or listening to the critical tone of your voice, I found this information and counsel to be fascinating - and most helpful.

I’m quite sure you will find this podcast to be most entertaining and instructive.






THE running show
